Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Vermont Ave toward the I. Magnin store at 3240 Wilshire, Los Angeles, circa 1940s

Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Vermont Ave toward the I. Magnin store at 3240 Wilshire, Los Angeles, circa 1940sIn this photo we’re looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Vermont Ave. In the medium distance we can see the I. Magnin department store at 3240 Wilshire Blvd, which had some major competition a couple of blocks east: Bullocks Wilshire. This photo was taken circa 1940s when Wilshire was a busy commercial thoroughfare, but, as we can see here, was still had a feeling of spaciousness that it no longer has. I’d love to see the full United Airlines billboard on the right and know how much airfares to San Francisco were back then.

This image taken at the same corner in March 2020 shows how built up that stretch of Wilshire Blvd has become.

That streetlamp on the corner was called a Wilshire Special. Here’s a close up showing how ornate it was.

Wilshire Special streetlight

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4 responses to “Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Vermont Ave toward the I. Magnin store at 3240 Wilshire, Los Angeles, circa 1940s”

  1. Richard Dixon says:

    Any idea what happened to these wonderful street lights when they were taken down. There mus have been thousands replaced which is unfortunate. So love getting your posts every day Martin. Thanks for all the effort you put into this project.

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