Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from the roof of the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood, California, April 1932

Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from the roof of the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood, California, April 1932In this photo we’re treated to a bird’s eye view looking north up Hollywood Blvd from the roof of the Roosevelt Hotel. It was taken in April 1932, so Grauman’s Chinese would have been gearing up for the lavish premiere of MGM’s all-star “Grand Hotel” on April 29th ahead of an 11-week run. We can also see the parking lot next to the theater, and across Orchid Avenue (now gone) the Hollywood Hotel (also gone) sits nestled among a thicket of trees. On the north side of the Highland Ave corner is the Hollywood First National Bank building, which is still around but stands empty, which is surprising considering its prime location.

Here’s an auto-colorized version which I think brings it to life rather well:

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