Women at work on the assembly line at Douglas Aircraft plant, Long Beach, California, 1942

Women at work on the assembly line at Douglas Aircraft plant, Long Beach, California, 1942This photo was taken at the Douglas Aircraft plant on 3855 Lakewood Blvd in Long Beach in 1942 after it had been converted to a war factory. What we’re seeing here is women checking long rows of Plexiglas noses destined for Douglas A-20 attack bombers. The overhead lights reflected in the Plexiglas make for striking photo, don’t they?

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2 responses to “Women at work on the assembly line at Douglas Aircraft plant, Long Beach, California, 1942”

  1. Wouldn’t include any Italian, German, or Japanese nationals. The Italians didn’t come off the enemy aliens list until late that year.

  2. William Bergmann says:

    O worked there in the late 60s, Gemini I think.

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