Intersection of San Vicente Blvd, Olympic Blvd, and Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, September 1936

Intersection of San Vicente Blvd, Olympic Blvd, and Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, September 1936In this photo taken in September 1936, we see a Pacific Electric Red Car traverse the everything-coming-in-all-directions intersection of San Vicente Blvd, Olympic Blvd, and Fairfax Ave. I’m not seeing any traffic lights controlling this mayhem, but I assume they’re there. Otherwise negotiating that junction would turn into an every-driver-for-themselves ordeal.

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2 responses to “Intersection of San Vicente Blvd, Olympic Blvd, and Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, September 1936”

  1. Rich Ramsey says:

    I love this picture. Looks like an accident in waiting on a smoggy day in West L.A., but I’d love return to spend just a week in that era.

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