Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave, Hollywood, Christmastime, 1946

Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave, Hollywood, Christmastime, 1946If this photo is anything to go by, the holiday season in Hollywood must have been such a charming time of year. The city put up metallic Christmas trees along Hollywood Blvd and—here’s something I’ve never noticed before—alternated them between gold and green. They also strung up white stars over the street. On the far left above the Owl Drug Store on the Highland Ave corner, we can see part of a billboard for the Paramount Theatre (now Disney’s El Capitan) advertising the current film playing there, “Blue Skies” starring Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby, which came out in October 1946.

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2 responses to “Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave, Hollywood, Christmastime, 1946”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    This view makes me a bit sad, probably a sign of advancing age! I well remember Hollywood Blvd. decorated for Christmas and the Santa Claus float that would begin at Argyle each evening and go up the Blvd.
    Wishing you a joyous holiday season and thanks for your daily posts, which I look forward to each morning.

    • Hey Jim, I’m envious of your memories. I’d love to have experienced Hollywood Blvd during the holidays back when it would look like this. And thanks for your thanks. I’m glad to hear you enjoy seeing these vintage photos as much as I do!

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