Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave at night during a holiday season, Hollywood, circa 1950s

Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave at night during a holiday season, Hollywood, circa 1950sYesterday’s photo was looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave during the holiday season. This photo was taken looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Highland. This is from sometime in the 1950s. I wish we could see what was playing at the Hollywood Theatre, but their blade neon sign is still great to see in color. I love how the red light from the (what I assume was still the) Owl Drug Store is spilling onto the Christmas tree in the foreground.

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2 responses to “Looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave at night during a holiday season, Hollywood, circa 1950s”

  1. Alistair Quick says:

    Very evocative. Fairy tale stuff.

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