Brown Derby restaurant menu, February 1949

I was today years old when I realized that as a vegetarian, there’s not a whole lot at the Brown Derby for me to eat. But it’s the Brown Derby so I’m sure I can cobble together a meal to remember. You can see a larger version of this menu here.

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4 responses to “Brown Derby restaurant menu, February 1949”

  1. Denise C Shelton says:

    I love this menu. I could eat there every day!

  2. joseph cholik says:

    My sister and I were in the Brown Derby one Sunday noon in 1967

  3. Matt says:

    Being an upscale place, I’d think you could sweet talk them into some kind of Pasta Primavera – Most of the soups, salads & sweets look like they’d pass muster.

    Was among the last guests at The Ambassador hotel in 1989. Really sorry now never went across the street & dined at the original derby. One of those could have, should have…

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