Looking north over the wing of a plane showing the intersection of Wilshire Blvd and Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles. circa 1922

Looking north over the wing of a plane showing the intersection of Wilshire Blvd and Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles. circa 1922It’s not often we glimpse the aircraft from which aerial photos of Los Angeles are taken, but seeing the tip of a wing in this one makes it all the more dramatic. The intersection at the center of this photo is where Wilshire Blvd (left-right) meets Fairfax Ave (top-bottom) circa 1922. West of Fairfax is Chaplin Airfield (run by Charlie Chaplin’s brother, Syd) and in the distance oil derricks straddle Fairfax where 6th Street is today. Then another huge swath of open land before development begins to cluster in the area north of Beverly Blvd.

Yep! Every square inch of that land is now filled in. This satellite image is from 2020:

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