Hollywoodland Tract office, 2690 Westshire Dr, Hollywoodland, 1926

Hollywoodland Tract office, 2690 Westshire Dr, Hollywoodland, 1926On Saturday December 8, 1923 the soon-to-be-world-famous Hollywoodland sign was illuminated for the first time. It served as advertising an upscale hillside housing development that proved slow to take off. This photo was taken in 1926 and shows us the cute tract office where eager realtors met with prospective residents. There’s nearly twenty men standing out front – that’s quite a team primed to sell, sell sell!

That office is still there and so is the house next door that was being built at the time. This image is from November 2017:


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One response to “Hollywoodland Tract office, 2690 Westshire Dr, Hollywoodland, 1926”

  1. joe d cholik says:

    That house is still there LOL

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