Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank at Spring and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, May 1910

Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank at Spring and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, April 1910Until I came across this photo, I never knew a bank existed that was open 24-7, but apparently the appropriately named “All Night And Day Bank” did exactly that. This photo was taken in April 1910 on a day when it looks to me like there was a run on the bank. All those people are crowding the sidewalks of the intersection of Spring and 6th Streets in downtown L.A. were certainly there for some reason. Note also the mix of horseless and horse-pulled vehicles trying to get through the people.

** UPDATE ** – there was a run on the bank!

All Night and Day run on back


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3 responses to “Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank at Spring and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, May 1910”

  1. J Yuma says:

    It does seem to have been a run on the bank.

    “The scene, otherwise without tragic incident, was marred about noon by the sudden death, at the receiving teller’s window, of Israel Schulman, an old friend of President Skinner. Mr. Schulman, who was about 65 years of age, to show his faith in the institution, about noon walked into the bank and made a deposit of $400, in addition to paying a note of $300. After chatting with some of the bank officials, and expressing his opinion that the run on the institution was regrettable and uncalled for, the old gentleman was overcome with heart disease and expired on the floor of the bank. The body was at once removed to the Schulman residence, No. 235 West Thirty-fifth street.”

    and the photo looks to be a stitched together panaorama, look at the street light.

  2. Amanda Crutchfield says:

    I have some All Day And Night Bank Memorabilia for sale it’s actually the Phamplet for the bank as well as a 1911 I believe bank note. My email is

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