Propeller-driven aerial trolley prototype, Burbank, California, circa 1912

Propeller-driven aerial trolley prototype, Burbank, California, circa 1912Just think, if this propeller-driven aerial trolley prototype had been more successful, this could have been the form of mass transit that Los Angeles adopted instead of the Red Car streetcars. This photo was taken in Burbank, circa 1912, where its inventor, Joseph Fawkes built an 840-foot-long test track through his apricot and walnut orchard for his experimental monorail that he dubbed the Aerial Swallow. But ultimately the Burbank city council went with the Pacific Electric Railway, which meant that L.A. would have to wait another 50 years before it saw its first workable monorail at Disneyland.

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3 responses to “Propeller-driven aerial trolley prototype, Burbank, California, circa 1912”

  1. William Bergmann says:

    I love people like this guy! Someone should write a book about the “Never Builts and Dreamers” in Southern California’s utopian era.

  2. J Yuma says:

    Looks like they had live music for the Swallow.

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