Teasing the stuff that dreams are made of because this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Yesterday, I wrote the two sweet words you get to type after you finish the first draft of a new novel you thought would take three months but ended up taking four.

I never like to give out hints of my next novel until I’ve finished the first draft. That’s because, despite starting with a detailed outline, I’m rarely 100% sure what a new story is about until I’ve written at least one full draft. And now that I’ve typed “THE END” I can share this teaser graphic with you:

I’ll reveal more as the year unfolds, but for now let me add that, unlike my two more recent books – Chasing Salomé (about Alla Nazimova) and The Heart of the Lion (about Irving Thalberg) – this new novel is more like my Hollywood’s Garden of Allah series: 50% factual history + 50% fictional story. It’s not about the making of Casablanca, but is an original story that unfolds against the backdrop of filming one of the most-loved movies to come out of Hollywood’s golden age.

Oh, and one more thing: it’ll be the first book in a brand-new trilogy.

But that’s all you’ll get out of me. For now. Watch this space for further developments. Meanwhile, here’s looking at you kid.

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