Shops line the southeast corner of Wilshire Blvd and Bedford Dr, Beverly Hills, circa mid 1950s

Shops line the southeast corner of Wilshire Blvd and Bedford Dr, Beverly Hills, circa mid 1950sThis 1955 photo taken on the southeast corner of Wilshire Blvd and Bedford Dr in Beverly Hills shows us the variety of commercial architecture L.A. used to have. Four different stores – Ciro (jewelry), Chandlers (shoes), Maison des Mouchoirs (“House of Handkerchiefs”? surely they sold more than hankies???), and Nobby Knit Shop – and each of them had their own style. Oh, and let’s not forget the Saks Fifth Avenue department store next door.

Saks is still there but they’ve taken over the rest of the block and replaced those marvelous individual stores. This image is from April 2019:

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