Playing golf on a girder of the Los Angeles City Hall while it’s under construction, downtown Los Angeles, 1927

Playing golf on a girder of the Los Angeles City Hall while it’s under construction, downtown Los Angeles, 1927While the new Los Angeles City Hall (destined to be the tallest building in L.A. until 1964) was under construction in 1927, this golfer and his (I’m going to assume reluctant) caddy (not to mention the brave photographer) climbed high onto the structure to hit a few balls. Or at least the one we can see. In the background, we can see the four-turreted tower of the L.A. Times building, which stood on the northeast corner of 1st Street and Broadway (until it was demolished in 1938.) I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere near the construction site when that golf ball came flying back to earth.

Here’s a 1912 postcard of the LA Times building:

Postcard of the Los Angeles Times building, northeast corner of 1st and Broadway, downtown Los Angeles ,1912

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2 responses to “Playing golf on a girder of the Los Angeles City Hall while it’s under construction, downtown Los Angeles, 1927”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    Here’s another shot of what I have to assume is the same golfer. (Presumably there wasn’t a string of guys hitting golf balls off of City Hall while it was under construction!)

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