Bizarre car accident at Sunset Blvd and Westgate Ave, Brentwood, Los Angeles, 1955

Bizarre car accident at Sunset Blvd and Westgate Ave, Brentwood, Los Angeles, 1955The next time you have a bad day, ask yourself if it’s a run-your-car-up-a-telephone-wire bad. You have to wonder how fast this motorist was going as she (it was 63-year-old woman) turned off Sunset Blvd and ran her car up the telephone wires. (I’m also wondering how it stayed there and how they got it down.) But you also have to marvel at the irony if the sign on the bus stop bench: “For Peace of Mind.” I imagine this motorist didn’t find any of that until she got home and fixed herself a double whiskey. This image is from 1955.

That same corner in March 2019. Those telephone wires are still there!

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3 responses to “Bizarre car accident at Sunset Blvd and Westgate Ave, Brentwood, Los Angeles, 1955”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    I find myself imagining what it might have sounded like to a person talking on the telephone at the moment that car ran up those wires. (“This might seem strange, but it sounds like a car just ran up the telephone line! Maybe a Chevy.”)

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    This bullet-hole Buick wasn’t the the last to do this trick. I saw the same thing in the last decade. Driver was apparently having a medical issue and steered right up the wires. Rear wheel drive assures the vehicle keeps on moving.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    BTW…those are the support lines for the pole and not the transmission wires. Being anchored at ground level makes the climb easily accessible.

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