Aerial shot of Goldwyn Pictures triangular movie studios, Culver City, Los Angeles, circa early 1920s

Aerial shot of Goldwyn Pictures triangular movie studios, Culver City, Los Angeles, circa early 1920sIn 1915, Thomas Ince partnered with D.W. Griffith and Mack Sennett to form The Triangle Motion Picture Company. It’s not hard to see where they got the name: the triangular shape of their studio lot bordered by Washington Blvd on the left (north), Culver Blvd on the right (south), and Overland Ave along the bottom (west.) This photo was taken circa early 1920s, by which time Sam Goldwyn owned the studios. By 1924, he was gone and the studios became Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which would soon boast that it had “More Stars Than There Are in Heaven.” It’s now Sony Pictures Studios, but it’ll always be MGM to me.

You can see the triangular lot in this satellite photo taken in 2021. Note how every square inch of all that empty land has been filled in!

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