A Pacific Electric Red Car heading toward Hollywood as it travels through Cahuenga Pass, Los Angeles, 1950

A Pacific Electric Red Car heading toward Hollywood as it travels through Cahuenga Pass, Los Angeles, 1950I’m not sure who I’m more envious of in this photo of a Red Car traveling through the Cahuenga Pass en route to Hollywood in 1950: the people riding the Red Car, who didn’t have to deal with traffic at all, or the motorists who only had to deal with a level of traffic that the Hollywood Freeway only sees at 6am on a Sunday morning these days. Either way, I hope these people knew how good they had it.

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One response to “A Pacific Electric Red Car heading toward Hollywood as it travels through Cahuenga Pass, Los Angeles, 1950”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    I’ve driven this stretch of road a hundred times and, honestly, I don’t think the sight of a dinosaur would have looked any more startling to me than the Red Car seen in this photo. Truly a Lost World.

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