A slice of life at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1940

A slice of life at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1940I’m always grateful for photographers who take slice-of-life photos like this. Nothing special was happening on the southeast corner of Hollywood and Vine outside the Owl drugstore that day in 1940, but the photographer captured the moment anyway. The postal worker is collecting the mail near a girl who is waiting for someone. Meanwhile, three sets of guys are having a chat, all nattily dressed in suits, collars, ties, some of them in hats. Those women stepping off the curb, I wonder if they’re crossing Vine Street and heading into the Broadway department store. I wonder if it was Dollar Day!

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8 responses to “A slice of life at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1940”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    The jalopy with the trunk removed for mail carrying is of interest, I think…

  2. Gordon L Pattison DDS says:

    I love the display window of the Owl drug store chock full of items to lure people inside. You don’t see that often nowadays. Maybe because people don’t walk. They just drive to the store, park, and go in. Or order online.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    No doubt the missing rumble seat ended up as a living room couch in a shack out near a place like Rubidoux!

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