The newly constructed Hollywoodland sign overlooks Beachwood Canyon, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s

The newly constructed Hollywoodland sign overlooks Beachwood Canyon, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920sIn November and December 1923, the Hollywoodland sign was erected to advertise an upscale hillside housing development. (It was illuminated for the first time on December 8th, lighting up in sequence: Holly—wood—land, and then the whole name.) Given how new and clear the sign looks in this photo, and given that maybe half a dozen houses have popped up in a landscape that now has hundreds of homes, I’m going to guess this photo was taken probably 1925, but let’s go with a cautiously vague “circa mid 1920s.”

Here is what the sign looked like at night:

HOLLY-WOOD-LAND night lighting

Advertisement for “Homes for sale in Hollywoodland”, Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s:

Advertisement for "Homes for sale in Hollywoodland", Los Angeles, circa mid 1920s

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