Marchetti’s Restaurant at the southwest corner of Western Ave and Fifth St, Los Angeles, circa 1930

Marchetti’s Restaurant at the southwest corner of Western Ave and Fifth St, Los Angeles, circa 1930Another entry into the “They Sure Don’t Make ’Em Like That Any More” file is Marchetti’s Restaurant at the southwest corner of Western Ave and Fifth St. This photo is circa 1930, back when they took some care to create a memorable and appealing building that makes you want to go in and order a big plate of lasagna. Well, it worked because that’s all I can think of now. Mmmmm…lasagna…

This is roughly the same view in April 2018. From Marchetti’s to a Carl’s Jr burger joint – it’s times like these that I despair for humanity.


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2 responses to “Marchetti’s Restaurant at the southwest corner of Western Ave and Fifth St, Los Angeles, circa 1930”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    I’ve seen other buildings in Los Angeles that look similar to this one. It must have been a popular style in (I assume) the 1920s.

  2. john says:

    I constantly despair for humanity Martin

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