Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, 1925

Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, 1925In this 1925 photo, we’re reminded how tranquil Hollywood Blvd was back then. We’re looking west from La Palmas Ave, with the Paulais Café on the southwest corner, Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre next door (opened 1922) and the Hotel Christie (also opened 1922) next to that. Nearly 100 years later, the Egyptian is now owned by Netflix, and the hotel is now a church of Scientology building, but this view hasn’t drastically changed.

This is roughly the same view from December 2020.

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One response to “Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, 1925”

  1. john says:

    It looks much dirtier and a lot more like a slum. Why doesn’t the store owners on that corner store clean it up? No pride anymore

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