Looking west along Seventh St, past Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1915

Looking west along Seventh St, past Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1915This 1915 view looking west along Seventh St, past Spring St, in downtown Los Angeles shows us four different types of transportation: streetcars, automobiles, horse-drawn wagons, and pedestrians. Imagine the noises the people in this photo were hearing. Without that traffic cop in the middle of the intersection, woman in the long dark dress would be taking her chances. Near the center of the photo we can see a sign for Bullocks, which was a very popular department store that was on Seventh Street for most of the 20th century.

Here’s roughly the same view in February 2021. It’s one of the few instances where the modern-day photo is a lot quieter!

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One response to “Looking west along Seventh St, past Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1915”

  1. Paula Carr says:

    It’s nice to see that those buildings in the foreground have survived with most of their architectural features intact. Bullock’s was my favorite of the wide selection of department stores we had when I was younger. I have a couple of pictures with Santa (with my two sisters) that were taken at the Bullock’s in Westwood. The Santa was probably a UCLA student.

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