Female inspectors check the center wings of C-47 transport planes at the Douglas Aircraft Co, Long Beach, California, October 1942

Female inspectors check the center wings of C-47 transport planes at the Douglas Aircraft Co, Long Beach, California, October 1942While recently researching women entering the workforce during World War II, I found this marvelous photo of female inspectors checking the center wings of C-47 transport planes. It was taken at the Douglas Aircraft Co, at 3855 Lakewood Boulevard in Long Beach. (Mercedes Benz now have a big operation there) in October 1942, ten months after Pearl Harbor by which time the war effort was fully under way. I wonder if these two women enjoyed their job. I’d imagine it was more interesting than sitting in the typing pool all day.

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2 responses to “Female inspectors check the center wings of C-47 transport planes at the Douglas Aircraft Co, Long Beach, California, October 1942”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    This is remarkably rich color. I’d love to know the story of both of these women.

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