Looking east along Wilshire Blvd from Ridgeley Dr, Los Angeles, circa late 1950s

Looking east along Wilshire Blvd from Ridgeley Dr, Los Angeles, circa 1950sIt wasn’t until I came across this photo looking east along Wilshire Blvd from Ridgeley Dr that I knew they decorated Wilshire for the holidays. These Christmas trees along the median strip aren’t a patch on the electric trees that used to line Hollywood Blvd in December, but it’s still a festive touch. I love seeing the sign for the Ontra Cafeteria on the left. Cafeterias used to dot the L.A. cityscape quite a lot back then. The Volkswagen Bug arrived in the US in 1949, so judging by that one in the foreground and some other cars we can see here, I’m guessing this photo was taken some time in the late 1950s.

Roughly the same view in April 2019:

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6 responses to “Looking east along Wilshire Blvd from Ridgeley Dr, Los Angeles, circa late 1950s”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    The Karmann Ghia at left was introduced in 1955, and there’s a 1955 Chevy in the background and what appears to be a 1958 Pontiac going the other way, so I make it late 50s. 😀

  2. Bill Wolfe says:

    I avoid driving on Wilshire, so I wasn’t aware that the El Rey was gone. *sigh*

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