Looking east along Hollywood Blvd at night from Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, 1951

Looking east along Hollywood Blvd at night from Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, 1951This Life magazine photo captured the neon glory of Hollywood Blvd looking east from Las Palmas Ave in 1951, when the theater at 6656 Hollywood Blvd was still showing news reels. Something must have been going on that week because there are banners stretched across the street and everything is lit up: The Broadway Hollywood department store, Kress, Goodrich Gym, Treat’s Burgers, the House of Magic. My favorite is the “Don Martin School of Radio Arts” which, I assume, taught people how to become radio announcers. In case you’d like to enroll, they were at 1653 N. Cherokee, or call them at HO 2-3281.

Man and women, AM and FM, and television – Don Martin covered it all!

Advertisement for the Don Martin School of Radio and Television, Hollywood

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