Incredibly ornate late Victorian mansion on Bunker Hill, downtown Los Angeles, late 1800s

Incredibly ornate late Victorian mansion on Bunker Hill, downtown Los Angeles, late 1800sI have no information on this house other than it stood on Bunker Hill in downtown Los Angeles in the late 1800s. Whoever owned it must have been very wealthy because all that incredibly detailed fretwork wouldn’t have come cheap, and nor would the on-going maintenance. This sort of detail was very common on late Victorian homes such as this one, but this one is next-level stuff.

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5 responses to “Incredibly ornate late Victorian mansion on Bunker Hill, downtown Los Angeles, late 1800s”

  1. Paula says:

    Love it! I guess it wasn’t one of the ones that was moved to that area next to the Arroyo Seco Parkway.

  2. Matt says:

    Next time you go to Disneyland take a look at the architecture on Main Street. Last time I went, 20+ years ago, was amazed at the level of detail on the Victorian storefronts. Really believe this was how it was done back in the day. Solid, substantial & artistically creative Also impressive was the immaculate maintenance; no cracked or peeling paint to be found. So unlike the later “Toontown” addition.

  3. james knott says:

    My friends and I would often ride the Red Car from Hollywood then took Angels Flight to Bunker Hill in the 40’s.

  4. rick mechtly says:

    Hi Martin–
    This home noted somehow (on the back?) as being up on the Bunker Hill streets– Fabulous– I do not know which street it was sited on — Grand ?? Hope??

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