Looking southeast across the “Pan Pacific Village” on the 7500-7600 block of Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, 1942

Looking southeast across the “Pan Pacific Village” on the 7500-7600 block of Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, 1942Virtually every photo I’ve seen of the Pan Pacific Auditorium on the 7500-7600 block of Beverly Blvd is of the marvelous Streamline Moderne entrance. But this one from 1942 shows that it was part of the “Pan Pacific Village” which included an ice skating rink and, on the far left, the Pan Pacific Theater. Understandably, the auditorium got all the attention, but it’s nice to know that it was part of a larger complex.

This is how that block looked in March 2021:


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2 responses to “Looking southeast across the “Pan Pacific Village” on the 7500-7600 block of Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, 1942”

  1. Matt says:

    Cryin’ shame these icons to LA urban entertainment allowed to disappear – Personally experienced rise & fall of what became WLA’s “Westside Pavillion” shopping center. Went from single level anchored by an Alpha Beta grocery store; next to the 1,600 seat Picwood Theatre; next to The Picwood Bowl & Coffee Shop. What could have been better? Like the Pan Pacific shown, all gone – Couldn’t LA have done better by the two?

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