Looking north up Westwood Blvd from Wilshire Blvd, Westwood, Los Angeles, 1939

Looking north up Westwood Blvd from Wilshire Blvd, Westwood, Los Angeles, 1939I don’t know what the photographer was standing on when he took this 1939 shot looking north up Westwood Blvd from Wilshire Blvd, but I’m glad he did. Like most of Los Angeles, this area is a lot more built up now, but I love seeing how spacious and open it used to be before the high-rises took over. Before I came across this photo, I never thought of Westwood as a city of spires.

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2 responses to “Looking north up Westwood Blvd from Wilshire Blvd, Westwood, Los Angeles, 1939”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    It’s West-anbul, not Constantinop-LA,
    West-anbul, not Constantinop-LA,
    Why did Constantinop-LA get the works?
    That’s nobobody’s business but the Turks!

  2. Bill Wolfe says:

    I read somewhere that these spires were meant to serve as visual aids to people walking around Westwood, allowing them to orient themselves simply by looking to see which spire they were near. Surprisingly, I think most, if not all, are still standing.

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