Looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave at dust, Hollywood, circa 1950s

Looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave at dust, Hollywood, circa 1950sTo my way of thinking, this view looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave is one of those quintessential Hollywood vistas that I never tire of. Especially when taken at dusk and we can see the lights of the Equitable Building, the huge Miller High Life Beer sign atop the Taft Building, Western Air Lines, The Office (which was a bar) and the Brown Derby coffee shop. And it was taken some time in the 1950s, when you could still nab a parking spot close to your intended destination. Looks like bliss to me.

Roughly the same view in February 2021:

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2 responses to “Looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave at dust, Hollywood, circa 1950s”

  1. Gary Helsinger says:

    The magical corner! I love it, too. (note: The Miller sign is on the Taft Building). Did you ever see the 1955 Hollywood Chamber of Commerce plaque on the Broadway building? It’s commemorating Hollywod founder, H.H. Wilcox (and his wife Daeida) , but they put the wrong name on it! It says Horace instead of Harvey Wilcox. Can we get them to fix it??!

    • Hey Gary, thanks for that correction, I’ve changed it now. As for the inaccurate sign, no I haven’t seen it for myself but you’d think *someone* would done *something* about it by now!

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