Revealing book 2 in the Hollywood Home Front Trilogy

I have a confession. When I started writing my previous novel – All the Gin Joints, set against the tumultuous making of Casablanca – I had no idea it would be anything but a stand-alone. I had long wanted to write a novel with the filming of the Warner Bros.’ classic as a backdrop, and now its time had come.

However, it wasn’t until I was halfway through the first draft that I experienced an epiphany. I wasn’t merely writing a story that happened to take place in Hollywood during WWII. I was, in fact, telling a much larger story of a fraught time in a place that was central to getting the pro-war, pro-Allies, pro-victory message out to everybody in the world pitching themselves against the Axis.

I realized that in Luke, Nell, Tristan, Beatrice, Gus, Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, and half the Warners studio, I had a group of people enduring an intense experience together during a turbulent era. Oh, there was lots more story to tell of wartime life in Hollywood.

I’m still tweaking the manuscript ahead of shipping it off to my editor, but I’m now ready to reveal the title and cover art:

"Thank Your Lucky Stars" - a novel of WWII Hollywood by Martin Turnbull, book 2 in the Hollywood Home Front Trilogy


a novel of World War II Hollywood


Martin Turnbull

Book 2 in the Hollywood Home Front Trilogy

I am currently shooting for a summer 2022 release, and will soon be ready to reveal the book description to give you a taste of what’s to come. But for now, I’m hoping you’ve taken note that the figure featured in this cover is a girl, which means that the spotlight shifts from All the Gin Joint’s Luke to someone else . . .

Watch this space for more details!

"All the Gin Joints" and "Thank Your Lucky Stars" by Martin Turnbull

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13 responses to “Revealing book 2 in the Hollywood Home Front Trilogy”

  1. William Bergmann says:

    Looks good. Best of luck with it.

  2. Bill Wolfe says:

    I can’t wait! I loved the first book. The new cover is a winner and I appreciate the fact that you’ve chosen as the title one of my favorite, if not so well-known, World War II-era movies. Bette Davis singing Frank Loesser’s “They’re Either Too Young or Too Old” is a hoot, as is Errol Flynn’s rendition of “That’s What You Jolly Well Get.” Bogart’s “Gee, I hope my tough guy movie fans don’t see this” always makes me laugh. And I didn’t know until reading the Wikipedia article just now that “Each of the cast members was paid a $50,000 fee, which was then donated to the Hollywood Canteen.” Wow!

  3. Earl Gandel says:

    Congratulations! And good luck, I’m sure it will be just as fact-filled and fun as your daily emails.

  4. Edward Essl says:

    Have thoroughly enjoyed all your novels of The Golden Age of Hollywood, from The Garden of Allah through to Thank Your Lucky Stars. They are a a very good mix of historical fact and fiction. Have purchased both digital and regular print of Garden of Allah series, Salome, and will do the same for the Hollywood Homefront series. When will the third book in The Hollywood Homefront be available? (Will Nell & Luke rekindle?).

    • Thanks Edward. I’m glad to know you enjoyed “Thank Your Lucky Stars.” As for book 3, I have no timeline for its release – I haven’t even written the first draft yet!

  5. I love all your books. I have The Garden of Allah series on my kindle. I didn’t realize you had another series out. I am now on Thank your Lucky Stars and just purchased All The Gin Joints.

  6. Michael W says:

    Have the first two books in this trilogy. When will book 3 be released?

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