Menu for Cafe Continental at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, 1956

Anybody care to join me for lunch at the Cafe Continental at Paramount Studios? We’ll have to jump into our time machine and go back to 1956, but that shouldn’t be a problem, should it?

Menu for Cafe Continental at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, 1956

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6 responses to “Menu for Cafe Continental at Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, 1956”

  1. Paula says:

    That menu is certainly of an age. Heh.

    Loved the Martin & Lewis item — you don’t usually see humor like that on a menu.

    That handwritten addition? Was that meant to be GUINNESS Stout???

  2. William Bergmann says:

    Geniss Stout?

  3. Chris k says:

    I take the bob hope special

  4. Gordon says:

    Those prices make me want to cry….

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