Looking north up Hill Street from 4th Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1905

Looking north up Hill Street from 4th Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1905This shot looking up Hill St from 4th St in downtown L.A. in 1905 looks like a city in transition from horses-and-carriages to horseless carriages. We can also see the streetcar tracks, so Angelenos had no shortage of transportation options back then. It’s hard to know what day of the week this photo was taken on, but it seems like the Angelenos we can see here were living such a genteel pace of life.

Roughly the same view in February 2021:

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One response to “Looking north up Hill Street from 4th Street, downtown Los Angeles, 1905”

  1. Chris k says:

    No graffiti in top picture, only in bottom picture. Lady does have on a fancy dress.

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