Lookout Mountain Inn, Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, circa 1910s

Lookout Mountain Inn, Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, circa 1910sIn this shot, we’re looking at the 24-room Lookout Mountain Inn that sat atop the aptly named Lookout Mountain off Laurel Canyon. It was built 1910 with verandas on three sides that allowed the $15-a-week guests to take in the view that stretched from downtown L.A. on the left and the Pacific Ocean on the right. Not that there would have been a lot to see back in 1910, but Hollywood would have started to take the form we know it to be these days. Sadly, the hotel only lasted 8 years before being lost to a brush file. These days, a private home occupies that site, and I can only imagine the view those people enjoy.

Lookout Mountain before the inn was built:

Lookout Mountain before the inn was built

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