Looking north up Broadway from 10th Street (now Olympic Blvd), downtown Los Angeles, December 1929

Looking north up Broadway from 10th Street (now Olympic Blvd), downtown Los Angeles, December 1929In this festive scene taken in downtown Los Angeles, we’re looking north up Broadway from 10th Street, which was later renamed Olympic Blvd in honor of the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic games. The photo is dated 1929, and from the Christmas lights and bells strung up over Broadway, I think we can safely say it was taken in December. On the left we can see the multi-story Western Costume building in which was housed thousands of rentable costumes used by all the studios. And past it, we can see the blade neon sign for the United Artists Theatre, which had been built in 1927, so it was still fairly new when this shot was taken.

This is roughly the same view in December 2021. Both those buildings I mentioned are still there:


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One response to “Looking north up Broadway from 10th Street (now Olympic Blvd), downtown Los Angeles, December 1929”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    My memory might be playing tricks on me, but I believe I can recall seeing a ghost sign for Western Costumes on the sign of that building sometime in the past couple of decades. The ghost has disappeared, sadly.

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