Aerial photo looking west along Wilshire Blvd at Rogers Airport on Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, 1922

Aerial photo looking west along Wilshire Blvd at Rogers Airport on Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, 1922The land around the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Fairfax Ave is so densely developed these days that it’s hard to imagine it was once home to an airport. This aerial photo was taken in 1922 looking west along Wilshire Blvd. That cross street is Fairfax Ave and that line of buildings was the Rogers Airport, home to Rogers Aviation (one of whose pilots quite possibly took this photo.) They could pretty much land anywhere because there are very few buildings to get in their way.

Brochure for Rogers Air Port, Los Angeles, circa 1920s

This is what that same area looked like in January 2020. No room for an airstrip anymore! The gray building in the bottom right corner is the new Academy Museum housed in the old May Co department store.

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