Panoramic photo facing north and east toward the oil-field-filled Signal Hill area of Long Beach, California, 1922

Panoramic photo facing north and east toward the oil-field-filled Signal Hill area of Long Beach, California, 1922panoI recently posted a photo of an airfield at Wilshire and Fairfax in 1922 which showed large swaths of empty land. Contrasting with that photo, this panoramic facing north and east toward the oil-field-filled Signal Hill area of Long Beach was also taken in 1922. And yet we can see that an extensively developed neighborhood had sprung up by then. I’d have thought L.A. would have been more developed than Long Beach by ’22, but this photo shows otherwise.

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2 responses to “Panoramic photo facing north and east toward the oil-field-filled Signal Hill area of Long Beach, California, 1922”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    There’s another aerial shot that looks over The Pike from the ocean side and you can see this forest of derricks along the ridge top then too.

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