Color photo looking west along Hollywood Blvd from around Cahuenga Blvd, toward KFWB and the Warner Theater, Hollywood, 1966

Color photo looking west along Hollywood Blvd from around Cahuenga Blvd, toward KFWB and the Warner Theater, Hollywood, 1966In this (genuine) color photo, we’re looking west along the north side of Hollywood Blvd from around Cahuenga Blvd. This was taken in 1966, and by then the Warner Bros.-owned KFWB radio station had moved from the old Warner’s lot on Sunset Blvd to 6419 Hollywood Blvd, next to the Warner Theatre. To the far right we can see a Coffee Dan’s location. Parked out front is a nifty red-and-white roadster that would have been fun to zoom around town in.

For more information on the Warner Theatre Hollywood, go HERE.

For more information on KFWB, go HERE.

Kim C says: “After KFWB moved from this address, Greg Shaw opened his retro-rock Hollywood Cavern Club there in the ’80s, but before that, for awhile the building became the Feminist Women’s Health Center where, in 1977, newly liberated ladies could go there for their birth control needs and also unveil the mystery of their own bodies through small-group instruction in pelvic self exams, and leave with a plastic speculum and a T-shirt that said, “I saw my cervix on Hollywood Boulevard.”

Much the same view from May 2020:

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5 responses to “Color photo looking west along Hollywood Blvd from around Cahuenga Blvd, toward KFWB and the Warner Theater, Hollywood, 1966”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Announcer: “You’re listening to the home of top 40 radio.” Group voice: “K, F, W, B….Channel 98!” A.M. radio still, of course. Gotta love that Union 76 billboard with the orange ball logo….those foam antenna toppers would become visible everwhere. About as common as curb feelers and more so than bobblehead Dodgers.

  2. Alan H. Simon says:

    The red “roadster” is a Triumph, probably a TR2, with white cloth top and side curtains in place. Another fun roadster can be seen waiting to make a right turn, a green Austin-Healey bug-eyed Sprite.

  3. Joël Huxtable says:

    The space where KFWB used to be, is empty now, because it was burnt down during the Rodney King Riots, and the rubble removed. I lived around the corner then, and helped many businesses clan up after. I don’t recall what the business was in that building at the time — I think it was a Chinese gift shop

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