Roy Knabenshue flies his 13-passenger dirigible over the Raymond Hotel, Pasadena, California, 1913

Roy Knabenshue flies his 13-passenger dirigible over the Raymond Hotel, Pasadena, California, 1913Roy Knabenshue was an aeronautical engineer and aviator, who worked with the Wright brothers, so he was there at the very start of aviation. He was big into dirigibles and was the first person to make a dirigible flight over New York in 1905. In this photo, he’s flying 13 brave and trusting thrill-seekers over the Raymond Hotel in Pasadena in 1913. (The Raymond was popular with Easterners who came to California to escape the brutal winters.) I’d have been very wary going up in that thing. It looks awfully flimsy, if you ask me.

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4 responses to “Roy Knabenshue flies his 13-passenger dirigible over the Raymond Hotel, Pasadena, California, 1913”

  1. Paula says:

    Looks pretty rickety to me, too! So sad the Raymond Hotel burned down. At least the gatehouse is still there.

  2. Skip Nicholson says:

    Flimsy indeed!
    Hamlet: Do you see yonder blimp that’s almost in shape of a cigar
    Polonius: By the mass, and ‘tis like a cigar, indeed.
    Hamlet: Methinks it is like a potato.
    Polonius: It is backed like a potato.
    Hamlet: Or like a whale?
    Polonius: Very like a whale.”

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