California Bank billboard advertising Travellers Cheques, outside Stendahl Art Galleries at 3006 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1930s

California Bank billboard advertising Travellers Cheques, outside Stendahl Art Galleries at 3006 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1930sFor those of us over a certain age, this billboard will take you back to the time when travelling abroad meant having to get travellers cheques as a safe way to carry money with you. It was especially annoying when traveling around Europe during a pre-Euro age when each country had its own currency. This circa 1930 billboard stood outside Stendahl Art Galleries at 3006 Wilshire Blvd, a block or two east of the Bullocks Wilshire department store.

** UPDATE **The light colored car at the left is probably a ’36 Buick and the medium one at the right might be a ’37 or newer GM car but I can’t find a match for the hood side vents. The photo is probably circa late ’30s.

The Stendahl Art Galleries building is still there, as is the Bullocks Wilshire building down the street. This image is from May 2022.

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2 responses to “California Bank billboard advertising Travellers Cheques, outside Stendahl Art Galleries at 3006 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1930s”

  1. john says:

    Why is it that every inch of LA has some structure on it today? There is no room for any nice billboards or bushes or any other type of landscaping like in the 30s photo you have here. God how I wish I could go back in time. I hate the way LA looks today.

  2. john says:

    I would also like to point out how crisp and neat the billboard is with it’s painted lattice not to mention the neatly trimmed bushes . Today they just slap something up. Why can’t we have companies that care how they display things like they once did. What a pity!!!!

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