Night shot of the entrance to Wonderland, 315 S. Main St, downtown Los Angeles, 1912

Night shot of the entrance to Wonderland, 430-434 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, 1912I love this wonderfully atmospheric nighttime shot from 1912 of the entrance to a place called Wonderland, at 315 S. Main in downtown Los Angeles. Opening on February 4, 1908, it was a combination moving picture theater, music hall, waxworks, and exhibit venue—something for everyone! That streak of light running through the middle of the photo was caused by a passing streetcar, and I assume that the “5” in front of the box office meant admission was five cents.

There’s no evidence of Wonderland left now. This is that same address in May 2022.

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4 responses to “Night shot of the entrance to Wonderland, 315 S. Main St, downtown Los Angeles, 1912”

  1. Chris K says:

    Old picture is better.

  2. Paula says:

    I agree — this is a “wonder”fully atmospheric shot. Very noirish. Store fronts just had more flair back in the day.

  3. Paul says:

    I believe the picture from 2022 is actually 430 S. Broadway. There was another, unrelated, short-lived ‘Wonderland’ in that location.

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