Striking photo of a bank of lights, Universal Studios, 1963

Striking photo of a bank of lights, Universal Studios, 1963Apart from the fact that this photo was taken for Life magazine at Universal Studios in 1963, I have been able to find no other information to share with you. But it’s such a striking photo that I couldn’t not post it. That wall of lights must be at least 20 feet tall and who knows how wide. It looks like that guy inserted each and every bulb, but for what reason, we can only guess. Whatever its purpose, the overall effect must have really been a sight to behold.

** UPDATE ** – Tommy D says “Probably for a DAY BACKING. Those are most likely 500W RFL bulbs going to a Plate Dimmer, or 120v Dimmer Packs. The lights on stands are 10K, 5K, and 2K Tungsten Mole Richardson Studio Fresnels.


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One response to “Striking photo of a bank of lights, Universal Studios, 1963”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Since it’s the interior of a studio, seems like the purpose would be to create an overall effect of daytime sunlight to surround the interior built sets. I’m sure they figured out a way to eliminate any appearance of spotlighting. No rainy days inside a closed set. No need to rig complex lighting for each project. No dangerous outgassing from the old lighting methods?

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