Four attendants working the Union gas station, 4004 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1932

Four attendants working the Union gas station, 4004 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1932This one comes from the “They Sure Don’t Do It Like That Anymore” file. This photo of a Union gas station at 4004 Wilshire Blvd (which puts it at the intersection with Wilton Place) is from 1932 and I can see no less than four neatly uniformed attendants wearing bow ties and matching caps. Two of them are servicing customers while the other two are…well…I don’t exactly know the two on the modified motorcycle are doing but I’m sure they were courteous and helpful when they got there.

Casey W. says: “The two on the Servi-car three-wheeler are no doubt going out to pick up a customer’s auto for servicing. I see the tow tongue has been removed from the front of the trike so it can no longer be towed behind a customer’s car, ergo it takes two employees to do a customer-car pickup and delivery.”

I’m not 100% sure I’ve got the right corner, but I believe this is where the Union gas station was. It’s now home to a Social Security office. This image is from June 2022.

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3 responses to “Four attendants working the Union gas station, 4004 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1932”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Wild guess..portable air compresser driven by motorcycle engine’s ability to generate electric current? Maybe some fix-it kit and oil cans alongside with a hose for the air. Either that or a box of good humor bars.

  2. Stephanie says:

    How much did a gas station attendant make in the early 1960s?

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