Color photo of an “Arabian Bazaar” set up along the western side of Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, 1950

Color photo of an “Arabian Bazaar” set up along the western side of Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, 1950I don’t have much information on this colorful photo of an Arabian Bazaar set up along the western side of Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles in 1950. However, I spy with my little eye a number of men on the sidewalk wearing red fezzes, so I assume this was part of a Shriner convention. That big yellow tent extends deeper into the square, so whatever was going on, was quite a big deal, by the looks of things.

Here’s a close-up of the sign. I’d like a ticket to the Motion Picture Electrical Pageant, please.

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2 responses to “Color photo of an “Arabian Bazaar” set up along the western side of Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles, 1950”

  1. J Yuma says:

    On June 22, 1950, 135,000 ‘Nobles’ came to downtown Los Angeles from Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii for several days of parades and general celebration of “The Imperial Session of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine”. The downtown parade culminated in the L.A. Coliseum at this 76th imperial session. “There were 280 richly-attired horsemen, six camels, and unique mechanized equipment ranging from a 1901 automobile from Louisville, Ky., to a cable car from San Francisco”.

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