Color photo looking east along Wilshire Blvd to the May Co. appliance store, December 1946

Color photo looking east along Wilshire Blvd to the May Co. appliance store, December 1946Today’s post is a follow-up from yesterday’s post of the aerial shot of Fairfax and Wilshire in 1954 in which I asked what the long, flat building to the east of the department store was. Evidently, not long after the end of WWII, the May Co. dismantled its nursery and in its place built an appliance store, which saved them from having to haul all those heavy Frigidaires upstairs in the main building. The appliance store opened on June 24, 1946, so this photo was taken during that first Christmas season in 1946, complete with trees covered in fake snow.

My thanks to David Ginsburg for tracking down this photo.

This is how that stretch of Wilshire looked in June 2022. The LA County Museum of Art (LACMA) now occupies that site.

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One response to “Color photo looking east along Wilshire Blvd to the May Co. appliance store, December 1946”

  1. pdq says:

    Google “May Company Annex”

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