Aerial shot of the Goldwyn Pictures movie studios (later MGM), Culver City, Los Angeles, 1922

"A Goldwyn Picture" logoThe triangular-shaped movie studio lot in Culver City bordered by Washington Blvd, Culver Blvd, and Overland Ave has been many incarnations over the years. When this aerial photo was taken in 1922, it was home to Sam Goldwyn’s Goldwyn Pictures. This was still the silent era, so those large buildings weren’t soundstages but filming stages. And in the bottom right corner we can see their large backlot. Two years after this photo was taken, Goldwyn sold his company, which became part of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer merger.

Apart from the studio lot, one of the most memorable things that Goldwyn Pictures contributed to the MGM merger was the world-famous Leo the Lion logo.

"A Goldwyn Picture" logo

These days, that studio lot is known as the Sony studios, and is also home to Columbia. This satellite image is from January 2020.

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