Looking south from the Hollywood Hills over the Sunset Strip toward Hollywood, undated

Looking south from the Hollywood Hills over the Sunset Strip toward Hollywood, undatedI don’t have a date for this photo looking south from the Hollywood Hills over the Sunset Strip toward Hollywood. However, what we do know is that the Sunset Tower, which is the white tower to the left of the center, opened in 1931. There are a few scattered large buildings in this vista, but not many, so I’m going to guess we’re looking at circa mid-to-late 1930s. Whenever it was taken, the view from that huge house in the foreground must have been amazing. And if it’s still there, it would be even more amazing.

This satellite image from January 2020 approximates that view:

**UPDATE** – The house in the foreground is at 8440 Carlton Way and is still there!



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One response to “Looking south from the Hollywood Hills over the Sunset Strip toward Hollywood, undated”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    Could that be the home on Harold Way that Liberace owned in the 60s and 70s?

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