Intersection of Hollywood Blvd (Prospect Ave) and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907

Intersection of Hollywood Blvd (Prospect Ave) and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907Without the usual early Hollywood landmarks like the Hollywood Hotel, the Hollywood United Methodist Church, or the Montmartre Café to orient us, I think we’re going to have to take it at face value that this photo is showing us how the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave looked in 1907. Back then, Hollywood Blvd was still called Prospect Ave and I’m not even sure which street in this photo it was. I’m guessing it’s the one running behind the white house on the right, and that Highland Ave is the street running from the bottom right corner and across the middle of the photo. At any rate, it’s been a long, long time since Hollywood was this sparsely populated.

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3 responses to “Intersection of Hollywood Blvd (Prospect Ave) and Highland Ave, Hollywood, 1907”

  1. Gordon Sims says:

    Thank you, Martin.


  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Shot from about north end of field area for Hollywood High School site. The building in immediate view could be where a sporting goods shop existed for many years…assuming that structure survived in place. Highland is on the right running up towards Prospect/Hollywood at next intersection. If the camera swung left a bit, Hollywood Hotel would come into view as this was all open lands still.

    • Al Donnelly says:

      Photo sequences of the expansion of Hollywood High School seem to indicate that the site had something else constructed there, possibly just beyond the later auditorium facility. One image looks like maybe a very large building that could be a church or apartment block. It seems to have disappeared at later dates. Very puzzling.

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