Streetcar bound for the Bimini Baths runs along Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1907

Streetcar bound for the Bimini Baths runs along Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1907Yesterday I posted a photo from 1907 of a sparsely populated Hollywood. I’m posting this photo today as it’s also from 1907, showing the contrast between bucolic Hollywood and bustling downtown Los Angeles. In this shot we can see a streetcar bound for the Bimini Baths running along a Broadway packed with pedestrians, horses, carriages, and streetcars. The Bimini Baths was a huge complex that included hot springs, public baths, swimming pools, and an inn. It was at Third and Vermont, west of downtown and you can see photos of it here: Bimini Baths.

Tony V says: “The building on the right side of the street with a pyramid on top of a tower was that era’s City Hall.

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2 responses to “Streetcar bound for the Bimini Baths runs along Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1907”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    In this case, the car is heading inbound back into downtown as seen by the orientation of the trolley pole and the right hand running on tracks. The top sign indicates Westlake Park with Bimini Baths on the large lower sign such that, whatever the outbound route of this line was, it somehow served to make stops at or connections for both of these popular outings.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    I now see you once posted an add (in 2014) which directed visitors (at the bottom) to take the 8th Street Westlake car to the end of the line and then walk three blocks to Bimini Baths.

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