Aerial shot looking north across Hollywood from the Cinerama Dome to the Hollywood sign, circa 1980s

Aerial shot looking north across Hollywood from the Cinerama Dome to the Hollywood sign, circa 1980sOn a particularly clear evening during what I take to be the 1960s – ** UPDATE ** – IT APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN THE 1980s – someone went up in an aircraft and took this shot of Hollywood. The white circular building near the bottom of the photo is the Cinerama Dome, which opened in 1963. The street a block to the right of the dome is Vine. Around the center of the photo we can see round Capitol Records building. Way up the top, we can see the Hollywood sign atop Mount Lee. And we can even see the mountains in the San Fernando Valley. It must have been a very clear day indeed!

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5 responses to “Aerial shot looking north across Hollywood from the Cinerama Dome to the Hollywood sign, circa 1980s”

  1. Martin Pal says:

    Great photo! The Home Savings and Loan Bank, now Chase Bank, on the NE corner of Sunset and Vine, which replaced the NBC building, was built in 1967-68, so that would have to be the earliest this photo was taken. I happened to walk by there last Saturday!

  2. Bob Meza says:

    Looks like late 60’s. NBC on Vine and Sunset is already gone and replaced by Home Savings. Photo would be 1965 or later. I went though all the photos you had of NBC on Sunset and Vine. I discovered in one photo that Sunset was once Hwy 101 before the Hollywood Fwy

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    Eeh gads! The golden arches of Mephistopholes having entered the bottom of the view. This shot should be titled “Where once the drive-ins ruled.”. A few years earlier and we had to go all the way out to Van Nuys to get those minorburgers.

  4. Bill Wolfe says:

    Is that a large eye painted as a mural on the building that’s above and to the right of the Cinerama Dome? If so, I’d love to know what that was advertising.

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