Opening day of the Mulholland Highway, Los Angeles, December 27, 1924

Opening day of the Mulholland Highway, Los Angeles, December 1924I could find surprisingly little information about this photo other than it appears to be the opening day of the Mulholland Highway in December 27, 1924. I’m not entirely sure, but I think this photo was taken in the Cahuenga Pass in Hollywood with the drivers anxious to be the first ones facing westward. The banner reads “Welcome. Mulholland Highway. 55 Miles of Scenic Splendor” which puts the end of the freeway at around Ventura. Look at how similar those automobiles are. You’d have a tough time recognizing which one was yours in a large parking lot—or a small one.

Casey W. says: “I think the picture was taken near Calabasas/Woodland Hills where Valley Circle meets Ventura Blvd. The opening ceremony reportedly took place there in Calabasas.”

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